Sunday 29 June 2014


This book is one of the way how I did my research on The KadazanDusun's tribe.
It contains the history of the KadazanDusun, sub-tribes, Festivals, etc.

Saturday 28 June 2014

Selected Proposed Title

1.0       Title

 The Sabah Virtual Heritage Village (KadazanDusun Tribe)

2.0       Abstract

            This application is about the reconstruction of Sabah Heritage Village and to show how the tribe lives before. User can explore The Sabah Heritage Village virtually which consists of different traditional houses of the tribes that exist in Sabah.
Although this application is about a Heritage Village, it is mainly focus on the KadazanDusun Penampang tribe's lives and their traditional house.

            In this application, user can explore the re-construction of the KadazanDusun's house, experience and gain the knowledge of the way how the tribe lives. User are also able to explore the traditional houses of other tribes, but they will not be able to enter the house.

3.0       Target Audience

            The target audience for this application are from 13 years old until 25 years old.

4.0       Goal

            In this application, user are able to experience inside The Sabah Virtual Heritage Village which consist of different types of traditional houses from different tribes that exist in Sabah. Although there are many tribes in Sabah such as Bajau, Murut and many more, this application will focus more on the KadazanDusun Penampang tribes.

            As time goes by quickly, there are not many traditional houses left in Sabah. Thus, The Sabah Heritage Village was constructed outside of the Sabah Museum. This application is created not only to preserve The Sabah Heritage Village Virtually, but also enables user from other places to explore and gain knowledge about the tribes in Sabah and their traditional houses.

            Cultural Heritage can be preserve by reconstructing it into the virtual environment. In real life, cultural heritage may be missing or damage if it is not preserved well enough. By using virtual reality to enhance this project, not only can user understand better on what was going on long time ago but they are also able to experience how this tribe lives by going through the 3D interactive environment. Unlike books or photographs, user are not able to feel the experience and there will be no interactivity.

            As far as I have been doing my research on Sabah Heritage Village. I have yet to found any application doing the virtual heritage Sabah Heritage Village.

5.0       Objectives

1. Enable user to explore the Sabah Heritage Village Virtually

2. To let user to be immerse physically and mentally through sounds and visual in the application

3. To let user understand the different of each tribes and their houses
4. To allow user to understand how the tribes in Sabah lives
5. To preserve the cultural heritage of the Sabah through virtual reality application

6.0       Benchmark

Virtual Hadrian's Villa - Graphic

            This application was designed by IDIA Lab about the Villa of the Roman Emperor Hadrian. I'll be using this application as a benchmark for the graphic of my application.

Rumah Tukang Kahar - Environment

            This application shows the reconstruction of the Rumah Tukang Kahar and was designed by E-Warisan. I'll be using this application as a benchmark for the environment of my application.

Uruk - Artificial Intelligent (A.I) Behavior

            This application is a joint research between University of Western Sydney and Federation of American Scientists to re-create. In this application also shows the behavior of the Artificial Intelligent (A.I) Behavior. I'll be using this application as a benchmark for the A.I  Behavior of my application.

Digital Songline - Interactivity (Pop-up Info)

            This application shows the life of the urban indigenous peoples around australia and was funded by Australasian cooperative Research Centre for Interaction Design. I'll be using this application as a benchmark for the Interactivity (when moving close towards an object, a pop-up info will appear) of my application.

7.0       Description

Level 1

            In the first level, user will appear at the front entrance of The Sabah Virtual Heritage Village. User will then enter the village and they may also explore the environment inside which will have several other tribe houses. The only house that user can enter is the KadazanDusun house but they may also explore other tribe's houses which user will not be able to enter. 

            A signboard will be located at the front of each of the tribe's houses to let user know the name of the houses. Inside the KadazanDusun house, there will be musical instruments and traditional clothes arranged. There will be a living room which the music instrument will be located, two bedroom which the traditional clothes of the KadazanDusun's tribe will be located and a kitchen. User can interact with an object by moving closer to it and a pop-up box will appear to show user the information of the object. Once user finish exploring inside of the KadazanDusun's house, they will have to proceed to exit the house through the kitchen's door and user will be loaded to the second level of this application.

Level 2

            In the second level, user are able to experience how the KadazanDusun's live.
User will be loaded inside the living room and user will have to walk outside of the house. At the stair, there will be a female Non-Playable Character (NPC) standing. User will have to interact with the female NPC to get a quest which requires users to find a male NPC which is located near the paddy field. User can navigate through a mini map which is located at the top right of the application to find the paddy field.

            Along the way, user will be able to see the daily routine that KadazanDusun people do in their daily life such as ploughed the paddy field, hunting animals for food and more. Once user have found the male NPC, proceed to interact with him. The Male NPC will require user to find an item for him to work on the paddy field. After completing the quest, user may explore the village and observe what the villagers (NPC) do around the area. To go to the next level, user will have to go back and enter the house.

Level 3

            In the third level, user will appear at the stairs of the house. This final level will allow user to experience the traditional dance by the KadazanDusun's tribe. Before the dance starts user are required to help out the female NPC who is standing outside of the house to find her traditional cloth which is located inside the house in the bedroom. Upon finishing the quest, the dance will start.

8.0       Interaction

1. User will be using keyboard as an output. The WSAD key will allow user to move around.
2. Moving closer towards an object will trigger a pop-up which will show user an information about the object.
3. Moving into the particles in this application will allow user to proceed to the next level. In level 2, Particles will only appear after user have completed the quest.
4. Pressing the "E" button will allow user to interact with NPCs.

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Proposed Title #4

Title: The Sabah Virtual Heritage Village


Exploring Sabah Heritage Village.

Target Audience:

13 years old until 25 years old


1. What is the goal of the whole application?

In this application, user will able to explore the Sabah Virtual Heritage Village which have different types of traditional house from different tribes that existed in Sabah.

2. What is the application trying to solve?

As time goes by, there are not many traditional houses can be seen in Sabah. Thus, this Heritage Village was created beside the Sabah Museum. This application is created to make it easier for people from peninsular of Malaysia to know different tribes and their traditional houses in Sabah.

3. What is the advantage of VR that can be exploited to enhance project?

Virtual Heritage

4. Is this project new of has it been created before?

As far as I am doing the research. I have yet to found any application doing the virtual heritage Sabah Heritage Village. But this idea is an inspiration from a seniors work about the virtual museum.


1. Enable user to explore the Sabah Heritage Village Virtually

2. To let user to be immerse physically and mentally with the sound and visual provided

3. To let user understand the different of each tribes and their houses

4. To show user how the tribes in Sabah lives


1. Virtual Hadrian's Villa - Graphic and Sound



User will first appear at the entrance of the Sabah Heritage Village. User can also interact with object and there will be a pop-up which will show the information.

Ongoing Research: - Sabah: Legend of the Harvest Festival
Proposed Title #3

Title: The Kellie's Castle


In this application, users are required to find his partner which is lost inside the Kellie's Castle by finding items and clues.

Target Audience:

15 years old until 25 years old


1. What is the goal of the whole application?

In this application, users will be controlling a male character. Users will have to find the character's girlfriend who is lost inside the castle and also are able to explore the history of every parts of Kellie's Castle.

2. What is the application trying to solve?

During the  World War 2, some part of the castle was destroyed. Although the castle are still standing strong today, Kellie's Castle is exposed to the Malaysia weather which cause parts of the Castle to suffer corrosion. This application is created not only for future generation purpose, but also to preserve the beauty and uniqueness of the castle's architectural. Apart from preserving the beauty, this application will have story plot to make the application more interesting.

3. What is the advantage of VR that can be exploited to enhance project?

In this virtual heritage, users can explore the Kellie's Castle with a different experience of interaction which will be added to the application.

4. Is this project new of has it been created before?

As far as I am doing the research. I have yet to found any application doing the virtual heritage of Kellie's castle except for a complete model of the kellie's castle.


1. Enable user to explore and understand the history of Kellie's Castle

2. To allow user experience a virtual heritage of the Kellie's Castle

3. To let user feel immersive when listening to the sound in this application



1. Amnesia - Interaction

2. Resident Evil 6 - Graphic



In the first level of the application, user will appear at the bridge facing the Kellie's Castle. User must find his partner who is lost inside the castle and to enter the place, user will have to find the key which is hidden somewhere outside of the castle.

In the second level of the application, user will have to find the clue which can be in a form of notes and sound, to find his missing partner. In this level, user can explore and learn the history of the Castle before continuing looking for his partner.

Sunday 15 June 2014


Proposed Title #1

Title: The Forest


In this virtual environment, user are able to control a butterfly, where they have to get out from the polluted city to find a forest for the butterfly to live in. This application is to show how polluted environment can kill the beauty of nature.

Target Audience:

15 years old until 25 years old


1. What is the goal of the whole application?

In this application, user will control a butterfly to get out from the polluted city and find a forest. This will allow user to see how polluted environment can destroy nature such as trees and animals.

2. What is the application trying to solve?

Natures are being destroy by the pollution created by human themselves. User will playing as  a butterfly and experience how the life of butterfly are affected by the pollution.

3. What is the advantage of VR that can be exploited to enhance project?

As a human we live as we please in this world. Most of them cannot fully experience what is being experience by the nature. In order to make them realised about what is really happening in the polluted city, this application is able to let people see how the nature can be affected by the pollution. A butterfly will be use as the main character throughout the entire application.

4. Is this project new of has it been created before?

As far as I am doing the research. I have yet to found any game similar to my concept.


1. Enable user to interact with environment as a butterfly

2. To allow user to have the experience of being a butterfly

3. To let user understand the dangers that humans are causing towards nature

4. To allow user to have the feeling of protecting the beauty of nature from being destroy


Ragnarok Online 2 - The Game Graphic

Windhaven - The Character controlling

Journey - Calm music


A cocoon can be seen hanging on the edge of the ceiling of a building. Suddenly it moves left to right as if something is trying to come out of it. From here, users will use the left right button on keyboard as an input to make an action on the cocoon until the butterfly is coming out of it.
After the birth of the butterfly, user will have to control the butterfly and clear the objectives to find the forest. Throughout the journey, user will find obstacles in the way which prevents the butterfly from going further. User will have to find out a way escaping from every obstacle that they encountered.

Interaction description:

1. Interact with environment as a Butterfly

Proposed Title #2

Title: The Escape

Escape the underground tunnel

Target Audience:
15 years old until 25 years old

To escape the underground tunnel by answering mathematic questions/riddles with limited time.
In this application, user will experience an intense experience where they have to solve mathematics question in order to get out from the underground tunnel by given a limited amount of time to solve the questions.

1. To allow user to think more faster
2. To allow user to have control over their emotion while in a critical situation

1. Tales Runner - Math survival map concept

2. Igneous - Game graphic

Interaction description:

1. Choosing and entering the correct tunnel that have the correct answer attached to it.