Sunday 15 June 2014


Proposed Title #1

Title: The Forest


In this virtual environment, user are able to control a butterfly, where they have to get out from the polluted city to find a forest for the butterfly to live in. This application is to show how polluted environment can kill the beauty of nature.

Target Audience:

15 years old until 25 years old


1. What is the goal of the whole application?

In this application, user will control a butterfly to get out from the polluted city and find a forest. This will allow user to see how polluted environment can destroy nature such as trees and animals.

2. What is the application trying to solve?

Natures are being destroy by the pollution created by human themselves. User will playing as  a butterfly and experience how the life of butterfly are affected by the pollution.

3. What is the advantage of VR that can be exploited to enhance project?

As a human we live as we please in this world. Most of them cannot fully experience what is being experience by the nature. In order to make them realised about what is really happening in the polluted city, this application is able to let people see how the nature can be affected by the pollution. A butterfly will be use as the main character throughout the entire application.

4. Is this project new of has it been created before?

As far as I am doing the research. I have yet to found any game similar to my concept.


1. Enable user to interact with environment as a butterfly

2. To allow user to have the experience of being a butterfly

3. To let user understand the dangers that humans are causing towards nature

4. To allow user to have the feeling of protecting the beauty of nature from being destroy


Ragnarok Online 2 - The Game Graphic

Windhaven - The Character controlling

Journey - Calm music


A cocoon can be seen hanging on the edge of the ceiling of a building. Suddenly it moves left to right as if something is trying to come out of it. From here, users will use the left right button on keyboard as an input to make an action on the cocoon until the butterfly is coming out of it.
After the birth of the butterfly, user will have to control the butterfly and clear the objectives to find the forest. Throughout the journey, user will find obstacles in the way which prevents the butterfly from going further. User will have to find out a way escaping from every obstacle that they encountered.

Interaction description:

1. Interact with environment as a Butterfly

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